New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1975.1.86 (detail)

Jacometto Veneziano

Italian panel painter and book illuminator from Venice, active around 1472-1497. He died before September 10, 1497. A brilliant miniature painter, Jacometto was also outstanding at portraits. He was much influenced by the Sicilian painter Antonello da Messina, who worked in Venice in 1475–76, but Jacometto’s portraits have a crystalline clarity, enhanced by the black background. The distinctive hairstyle – a zazzera- was fashionable in Venice in the 1480s and 1490s.

New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 49.7.3

Knowledge of the artistic activity of Jacometto is based almost exclusively on the notebooks of Marcantonio Michiel, who recorded a number of his works in the patrician houses of Venice and Padua in the first half of the 16th century.

In Pietro Bembo’s house Michiel saw a small picture with scenes from the life of a saint, and portraits of Bembo as a child of eleven and of his brother Carlo as a newborn baby in 1472; in the house of Francesco Zio Michiel saw four miniatures by Jacometto in a Book of Hours; in the house of Zuanantonio Venier he saw a small picture with animals painted in chiaroscuro; in the house of Antonio Pasqualino he saw a number of drawings; in the house of Gabriele Vendramin he saw a portrait painted (or drawn) in chiaroscuro, and a small book of vellum with pen drawings of animals and candelabra; and finally, in the house of Michele Contarini in 1543 the author saw ‘a little portrait of Messer Alvise Contarini …, who died some years ago; and on the same panel there is a portrait of a nun of San Secondo. On the cover of these portraits there is a small (?)deer in a landscape; and their leather case is decorated with foliage stamped with gold. This most perfect work is by the hand of Jacometto.’


New York, Pierpont Morgan Library

PML 21194 (voorheen: E.14.A)  Aristoteles, Operea en Porphyrios, Liber quinque praedicabilium (vol. 1), Venetië, 1483 verluchting door  hetzij Girolama da Cremona hetzij Jacometto Veneziano en werkplaats


  • Alexander 1978, nrs. 17-18
  • Walther 2001, p. 386-9

PML 21195 (voorheen: E.2.78B) Aristoteles, Operea en Porphyrios, Liber quinque praedicabilium (vol. 2), Venetië, 1483 verluchting door  hetzij Girolama da Cremona hetzij Jacometto Veneziano en werkplaats,  Antonio Maria da Villafora en Benedetto Bordone


  • Alexander 1978, nrs. 17-18
  • Walther 2001, p. 386-9


  1. Alexander 1978, nrs. 17-18
  2. Walther 2001, p. 386-389